Hi, my name is Lora, and I have been going tiny for a little over a year now. I purchased my Tumbleweed Cypress in September of 2014, and I absolutely love it!
I am currently living in Georgia at a wonderful RV park that allows full-time residents. One of the advantages of having a custom built Tiny House RV from Tumbleweed, is that I am RIVA certified. I was able to title and tag my Tiny House RV just like a traditional RV and have had no issues with the park where I am.
I am always excited when I get to share my experiences with other people who are interested in this lifestyle.
1. My house can travel
Although I don’t currently travel with my tiny house RV, I am able to travel more than I did when I was in my conventional home. The combination of fewer monthly expenses and fewer household chores has freed up time and money for me to spend it in other places. Currently, I am trying to complete a half-marathon in every state, so traveling has become a way for me to meet some of my fitness goals, see the country and have fun!
Being in a smaller space encourages you to explore more. One of my friends asked me once if I traveled so much because I was trying to “escape” my tiny space. I can honestly say, that I don’t travel to leave my small space, but rather to explore places I’ve never been. I believe there is so much to see in this world, and although most of my travel has been in the United States so far, I am hoping to continue my travel adventure into the future. Where would you go if you had the money and the time? Do you think a tiny house RV would make travel more possible? Take the time consider all the possibilities.

Lora’s running medals hang near the front door in her Tumbleweed Cypress
2. I’ve gained flexibility and freedom
One of the things I wanted to accomplish when I downsized, was to give myself more flexibility in terms of how much and where I worked as well as options regarding where I lived. Going tiny has given me a lot more freedom in terms of how I make my living. Although, I am not to the point where I can quit my current job (not that I want to, I actually like it most days), I am moving towards paying off debt, saving a considerable amount in an emergency fund and reducing my monthly expenses.
All of these things have given me more flexibility in terms of what I do in the future. That flexibility has increased my sense of excitement about the future and increased my sense of security. I know that I will always have some place to live that I own and can afford, which is a pretty awesome feeling. What would you do with more freedom and flexibility? How would your life look different if you decided to downsize?

3. I’m reminded me of what I truly love
I can honestly say that going tiny has helped me remember what I truly love in life. One of the reasons I downsized was because I felt trapped in my life a year ago. I was stuck in a job I didn’t enjoy and felt like I had very few options. I was living paycheck to paycheck and I couldn’t see a way out. If you have ever experienced something like that, you know it can be incredibly draining and stressful. Downsizing allowed me to slow down enough to give me room to pursue my passions, and that has made me a better person.
Downsizing allowed me to refocus my priorities, get more intentional about life and pursue things I truly enjoyed. For me those things were reading more, traveling more, racing in half-marathons (I know that one is kind of crazy!), writing more, learning photography and sharing my experiences with other people. Are you spending your days doing the things you love? Are you spending your time with the people you love? If not, why?

Lora uses a drop leaf table in her kitchen to increase counter space for a desk
4. I’m a more grateful person
Going tiny has also made me a more grateful person. Again, because my previous circumstances were challenging, I had gotten in the habit of looking at the negatives in life. It wasn’t that I wanted to be a negative person, it was just that I didn’t have the energy or the margin in my life to focus on anything else. I had a hard time appreciating the little things.
Going tiny has given me more margin in my life in terms of money and time, which has given me more emotional reserve. I notice and appreciate the small things now. I am more thankful for the things I own because instead of weighing me down my possessions add value to my life. Going tiny has allowed me to pursue my passions and has encouraged me to be more grateful for the time I have to spend doing the things I love with the people I care about. What are you grateful for? Have you spent time this week thinking about the little things that make life a little brighter? Slow down a little and cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

5. I found the courage to pursue my dreams
Finally, going tiny has given me the courage to pursue my dreams. For me that means starting my own business and looking for ways to encourage others. It means getting myself to a position financially where I can retire early (my goal is by age 45!) if I decide I want to. It means pursuing my hobbies and spending more time with the people who make me smile.
Click here to read PART ONE of Lora’s article
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