A few months ago, we posted an article that asked: LADDER vs. STAIRCASE, which would you choose for your Tiny House RV? The overwhelming opinion was that a staircase was preferred, but only if it didn’t overwhelm the living space. It sounds like we need to get creative!
Below you’ll find FIVE SPACE SAVING STAIRCASE IDEAS to get your inventive juices flowing.
1). Japanese Tansu Steps

Japanese Tansu Steps are available for purchase, but if you’re looking to save some cash, try building them yourself. Start from scratch or modify an existing bookshelf. Stack and secure wood storage boxes or antique crates (such as Tiny House Giant Journey did in the video below).
Tansu Step Cabinet. Image credit: Pinterest
2). Tiny Spiral Staircase
In a tiny space, an average-sized spiral staircase will dominate the great room. So if you’re interested in this aesthetic for your Tiny House RV, you’ll have to get creative and think tinier. Molly and Zack’s tiny spiral staircase design (1st image Photo Credit: Mark Fisher) was featured on the TV show Tiny House Nation. Francis Camosse used this same design in his Tiny House RV (2nd image Photo credit: Telegram.com).
3). Alternating Tread Staircase
This form of climbing might take some getting used to (ask any sailor), but it’s a great space saver. After a few climbs, you’ll start to remember: right, left, right, left. Muscle memory will have you ascending and descending with ease.
First photo is from Tiny House Living. Second photo credit: Stylish Eve
4). Folding Staircase

Wouldn’t it be nice to retract or fold away your staircase when not in use? Perhaps the above example is a bit steep (almost a ladder), but with the right handrail it could work! For a bit of whimsy, enjoy the innovative “Disappearing Staircase” design below. In what other ways could we fold away our stairs?
Photo credit: Loft Centre Products
5). Repurposed Staircase
Remember the stairs from your childhood playground or bunkbed? Could you find a similar set that could be repurposed for your Tiny House RV? Maybe you could snag a set of steps from a dilapidated sailboat or manipulate a set of “pet steps?” Check your local resale shop, garage sales, estate sales and craigslist. Keep searching! Who knows, you might find the perfect set of stairs for free!
Could you repurpose these stairs? Photocredit: Mental Floss
Want to do it yourself? Learn how to make the above staircase from a set of IKEA storage shelves, click here
YOUR TURN! Share your creative staircase ideas below!

Why no information about the lead picture? That was the best of the bunch.
Eric – That tansu chest was featured in the 5-5-2012 Design on a Dime episode “Rustic Modern Bedroom.” The owners of the piece had it configured as a rectangular chest (they did not know that the top portion could be flipped out and repositioned to form the classic stairstep ‘tansu’ design). And that design on the face of several of the drawers? The ‘designers’ decided to burn a Persian design into the face of several of the drawers because the owner was Persian. I actually screamed at the screen when they talked about doing it, I couldn’t believe they would go ahead with it. But they did. I guess the fine joinery just wasn’t ornamental enough for them on its own.
Imagine a home with a “shed” roof, a single plane that is high on, say, the left. Now shove the mattress over to the right, and make the left-most floor of the loft only about 54 inches above the main floor, for a width of 24 to 30 inches. The surface under the mattress can be a full 76 inches above the main floor, and the surface of the mattress will be almost a yard above the intermediate-height floor.
This scheme provides a full-height platform on which one can stand, dress, make the bed, and even store most of one’s clothes.
Under the platform is a fine place for storage, a washing machine, and perhaps an office desk. Just roll your chair out from under before you stand up. Padding the ceiling would be a good idea, and that would tend to quiet the office area a bit. Finally, the stairs to reach 54 inches would not look so dominating in a tiny home.
The name of this plan? How about Split-Level Tiny Home.
wow, that’s exactly what i was planning! only with the bedroom downstairs and livingroom up.
Hello: i have a question. Can i find this type of houses in Europe? Where? How? I live in Spain .
I love all these suggestions! What about a folding pole ladder like this one?
Maybe the tiniest way to get upstairs!
With stairs that fold up when not in use, put a slide in too, with stairs up to come down, stairs down to go up.