Starting Fresh in Her 40s
After a challenging divorce, Katrina sold her Colorado-based business and set out to reinvent her life. With a strong background from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), where she specialized in Gut Microbiome and Holistic Health & Wellness, Katrina was ready for a fresh start. Her love for nature and hiking led her to pursue a lifestyle that was both eco-friendly and health-conscious, despite the challenges of managing multiple sclerosis. She made raw foods and juicing a part of her daily routine, setting the stage for her next adventure.
A New Venture: Traveling Health Coach
Katrina’s vision was to combine her passion for health with a life on the road. She aimed to start a career as a traveling health coach, but she had one crucial requirement for her home on wheels: it had to be eco-friendly. After a rigorous search, she discovered Tumbleweed Tiny Homes, known for their environmentally conscious designs and RVIA certification.

“I researched many manufacturers around the country, and I loved that Tumbleweeds are GREEN built and RVIA certified.”
Unique Design: Embracing Colorado’s Blue Pine
Katrina’s design choices reflected her deep connection to Colorado. Years earlier, the mountain pine beetle outbreak had left a beautiful blue stain in the wood of Colorado’s forests. By 2016, this distinctive “blue pine” had become a sought-after trend, and Katrina chose it to finish her tiny home’s interior. This unique feature not only paid homage to Colorado’s natural beauty but also added a personal touch to her new home.
Tackling New Challenges
When the time came to pick up her Tumbleweed Elm, Katrina faced a new challenge: towing her tiny home. With no previous towing experience, she felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Thankfully, the Tumbleweed team provided a driving lesson that made all the difference.
“I was incredibly grateful for the support from the Tumbleweed team,” Katrina says. “After a bit of practice driving around the neighborhood, I felt confident. They showed me how to handle 10,000 pounds like a pro!”
On the Road to New Adventures
With her confidence boosted, Katrina headed to her first destination—a quaint RV park in Colorado filled with other charming tiny homes. She plans to stay in this welcoming community for several months before setting off on her next adventure. Throughout her journey, she’ll continue to embrace her love for nature and hiking, staying true to her eco-friendly lifestyle.

Is there s 10 or twelve foot wide version of this house? I am not interested in traveling around with an RV. Am interested in living semi permanently. 8 ft. Is just too narrow for everyday living.
The only way to do that is to move to a mobile home frame. And a State permit will be required to transport the unit. Also an escort service may be required.
I would want a full size bunk sryle with drawers under for linens on one floor living. I like the washer with stovetop option as well. And now you really don’t need a standard oven since they have those in microwave sizes now.
So, i would need a bath, living/activity. Area, wall space with dormers. Vaulted ceiling as I uld not want to be 75-80 trying to navigated those stairs!
These homes are good alternatives for senior citizens as long as the cost can be reasonable and builders don’t get huge dollar signs in their eyes.
Who would be the best person to contact to find out if tiny houses are allowed in a town? Looking to build and relocate in three years.
I’m looking for a tiny house. I’m staying back with my mom because I had a stroke, but once you been on your own it’s kind of hard to get readjusted to where you came from. Although, I never want to forget. I would like my own.
I’ve recently lost my husband. I’m from Indiana & now staying with friends in Sparta Tennessee. They have land for me to put a small house on. I could use some advice & options for the best home for me.